What is a Community Led Plan?
It is a local action-based document that helps local people become involved and to explore the needs of their area, socially, economically, and environmentally. It gives everyone in the community the chance to be involved in prioritizing and planning the actions.
Community Led Planning is the process that enables us to work together to consider our needs for the future and to deliver an action plan and supporting document to help us achieve our priorities within our village.
So the process and final Community Led Plan is led by the community. Encouraging and supporting action by the community for the community.
An initial meeting has been held where local residents were asked to attend to discuss the idea of a Calderbridge & Ponsonby Community Led Plan. The idea was strongly supported by those in attendance and opinions and suggestions for future actions and improvements were discussed.
To find out more on how the Community plan was started please read the below minutes from the initial meetings.
- Click Here to read the output from the first village community plan meeting: 21st February 2019.
- Click Here to read the output from the second village community plan meeting: 27th June 2019.
This website was one of the first small steps to build on our community communications, it will be updated regularly with information relating to the Community Led Plan, and any other events that may be of interest.
Our Community plan has been split into the below four areas:
- Parish Council (PC)
- Village Hall (VH)
- Appearances and amenities (AA)
- Roads group (RG)
We’ve listed below our current ‘Work in progress’, ‘What next’, and ‘Completed’ actions, along with some photos of our achievements so far.
Work in progress
Group | Issue | Action Required\Desired Outcome | Current Position |
AA | Village hall playing field improvements. | Wildlife and heritage garden. Outside Gym area. New slide/climbing frame. Repair of the sandstone wall. | Wildlife Garden has been started by the Gardening Group, including the new Willow Tunnel. A picnic bench from the old Mill wheel is being worked on. Thanks to the GDF partnership funding we’ve new Playpark equipment. |
PC | Establish a housing Policy and plan for the parish | Agree with the Parish Council Policy for new housing development. Consult the villagers to understand their wishes Coordinate with CBC to influence housing development planning for the parish. CBC Plan | PC requested the area to be included in the CBC plan, PC engaging with local land owners. Now included in the local plan. PC Engaging with local land owners. |
RG | Road Speed | Extend 30 &/or 40 mph around the village All road entrances into the village priority to A595 north & south of village. | Ongoing discussions with CCC, National Highways & Police. |
VH | Village Hall Building and Parking Improvements | Submit funding application for energy survey. Arrange an energy survey. Arrange quotes for agreed work. Submit funding application. Carry out improvements | GDF funding secured for energy survey, survey complete. Quotes for repairing the Village hall have been received and put to the Village Hall committee. |
AA | Bus shelter improvement | Paint inside lighter Paint outside | Ponsonby Bus shelter has had exterior repairs carried out. PC arranging for further work to be carried out. |
RG | Road Safety | Pelham Drive & A595 junction up to lights Road resurfacing, white line and & red tarmac maintenance. | Reported to National Highways, Online, temporary repairs carried out. Waiting on permanent repairs |
What next? – These will be discussed at our next community event in early 2025.
Group | Issue | Action Required\Desired Outcome | Current Position |
PC | Playground Inspector Course | Look into interest for a volunteer to carry out playground inspector course to be able to carry out monthly playground inspections. | Discussed at Parish Council. We’ll discuss at our next community event. |
AA | Village Telephone Box | Parish to take ownership of the telephone box? Paint the telephone box What to reuse the telephone box as? | Phone Box has successfully been adopted. Phone/Power has been removed. Phonebox has been painted. What next for the phone box? |
RG | Road Safety | Bollards or raise kerbs (outside Allan Riggs) Discourage vehicles mounting onto pedestrian pathways by using bollards, raised kerbs or improved grass verge maintenance Locations; Northbound centre of village Southbound by lights & entrance to village. | What next? |
RG | Road Safety | Install permanent speed camera &/or Community Speed Watch | Install a permanent speed camera &/or Community Speed Watch. What next? |
RG | Road Safety | Improve residential parking Clearer marked parking bays/areas. | Copeland Council carried out feasibility in Nov 2019 Funding not available. What next? |
RG | Road Safety | Centre of village A595 alignment to improve visibility & reduce speed & improve safety at junction. | Centre of village A595 alignment to improve visibility & reduce speed & improve safety at the junction. |
RG | Road Safety | Install crossing point in village. | 07/02/2020 – CCC advise that data collected does not warrant funding for this project. Our community will keep this action as ongoing and review it regularly. What next? |
RG | Road Safety | Build by-pass around village. | 07/02/2020 – CCC advise that data collected does not warrant funding for this project. Our community will keep this action as ongoing and review it regularly. What next? |
VH | Sustain and improve the functionality of the Hall Committee | Establish, improve & sustain two way communication with Villagers and users Publicise hall activities by use of Community Plan website and Facebook pages Annually review via AGM and advertise through social media and local advertising Update questionnaire for hall users incl. Facebook etc. to gain information. | Website and Facebook pages set up, and the VH committee is engaging with the villagers to suggest what they would like to see in the Village Hall. |
RG | Road Safety | Narrow paths at north end of village Extend footpaths &/or create foot/cycle ways to Ponsonby, Gosforth, Seascale & Beckermet (&/or A595 cemetery). | 07/02/2020 – CCC advise that data collected does not warrant funding for this project. Our community will keep this action as ongoing and review regularly. What next? |
Group | Issue | Action Required\Desired Outcome | Current Position |
RG | Road Speed | Traffic Survey to be carried out to cover village centre and access roads. | Traffic Survey to be carried out to cover village center and access roads. |
RG | Road Safety | Build community awareness of reporting highway faults via Copeland, Cumberland, and National Highway. | Build community awareness of reporting highway faults via Copeland, Cumberland and National Highway. |
AA | Litter | Litter patrol Signage about the disposal of litter. | This is an ongoing activity in which plenty of our community members are involved with. Litter-picking equipment is available if required. |
AA | The appearance of the area of ground between the church and the river. | Clear out the overgrown bushes Decide what to do with the space e.g. put up a community flower bed e.g. a well. | Complete – PC paid for the area to be cleared. AA planted bulbs and wildflowers. |
PC | Develop a Community Plan for Calderbridge and Ponsonby | Complete the documentation of our Community Plan. Sustain the subgroups formed to address Transport and Amenities and Appearances. Establish a steering group to coordinate progress and celebrate achievements. Review every 6 months at the PC meetings. Regular input to be provided for the website. Review at PC meetings Establish regular Community links via a community website and Facebook page. Encourage other groups to take part in the plan (e.g. church, village hall) | Complete – Regular communications happening using WhatsApp, Facebook, and Our Website. As and when required community meetings are arranged. |
PC | Improve links with Businesses in the Parish. | Sustain and where necessary improve links to Sellafield Ltd. Establish routine links to LLWR Identify where the community can help businesses in our Parish. Reinforce existing links. Establish links to each business, including free advertisements on our website. Identify where the businesses in our parish can help our community. | Complete – Links Established. In discussions with Businesses. Businesses now advertised on our website. |
AA | Dog Waste Bins | New dog waste bins Poop patrol Parish Council. AA group to Poop patrol Facebook/Website | Complete – Waste bins in VH car park, Facebook and Website posts reminders to pick up after your day, the council have been out and sprayed fine signs on the ground. |
PC | Bench Long walks | New bench Insurance Parish council & Angler’s permission Install Bench | Complete – Two new benches installed. |
PC | Improve the functionality of the Parish Council. | Review Parish Council composition and ensure appropriate representation and succession. Publicise PC activities by the use of Community Plan website and Facebook. Improve means of two way communications with villages. Improve speed of response between PC meetings. Review our financial processes to make them more effective. | Complete – Currently Fully compliant, Regular communications happening using WhatsApp, Facebook, and Our Website. As and when required community meetings are arranged. |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Review signage and improve visibility due to overgrown trees Location: Opposite Old School House Northbound | Complete – Trees have now been cut back. |
VH | Improve Hall policies and arrangements | Agree a minimum number of high-level policies, Charging Rates, Financial and Banking arrangements, and the process for keeping them up to date. Review annually. | Complete – Policies reviewed and reviewed annually. |
AA | Improve communications | Website | 01/04/2019 – Complete |
AA | Weeds etc at Entrance to Pelham House | AA Group to clean area. | 01/07/2019 Complete |
AA | Bus shelter and timetables improvements | Bus shelter needs TLC, timetable displayed in shelter, and information added to our website. | 01/07/2019 – Complete |
AA | Church railings, Flag pole, notice board, and sandstone | Church railings need replacing painted. Flag pole and notice board, pressure washing sandstone | 10/07/2020 – Church Railings an flag pole are now complete. |
AA | Defibrillator | Defib at Village Hall | 10/07/2020 – Complete |
PC | Ponsonby Bench Replaced | Purchase new bench to be fitted at Ponsonby road end. | 01/10/2019 – Complete |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Install crossing point in village | 07/02/2020 – Traffic data does not indicate need. Further action may be possible in the future |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Build by-pass around village | 07/02/2020 – Traffic data does not indicate need. Further action may be possible in the future |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Narrow paths at north end of Village. Extend footpaths or create Foot/Cycle ways to Ponsonby/Gosforth/Beckermet Cemetery Concern: Footpath improvements | 07/02/2020 – Traffic data does not indicate need. Further action may be possible in the future |
RG | Roads | White lines to be renewed. | 07/02/2020 -Work already completed. Noticeable improvement to traffic flow through village already. |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Review existing signage, remove unnecessary signage and replace with appropriate Location: Opposite to Village Hall car park | 10/07/2020 – Complete |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Many different signs. Some in poor state of repair, too many to advise oncoming traffic of change of speed Location: Sellafield Road End. Review and improve signage | 07/02/2020 – Completed – Now yearly reviewed |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Review speed along Sellafield dual carriageway Location: Sellafield Road End. Area goes from 60MPH to 30MPH at traffic lights. | 07/02/2020 – Cumbrian highways reviewed and advised speed limit acceptable. |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Add corner chevrons Location: Railings by telephone box | 07/02/2020 – Complete |
RG | Signage, Speed & Safety | Offer awareness sessions to residents/drivers/local groups Concern: Behaviour Safety Campaigns | 07/02/2020 – Spoken to LLWR and Sellafield who already run driver courses for there staff. |
RG | Roads | Replace/Repair tarmac Location\Concern: Before bridge (north side) tarmac deformed and large trough/wave formed in tarmac due to traffic | 07/02/2020 – Complete |
VH | Baby Changing in the village hall | Install a baby changing table into the village hall disabled toilet. | 01/11/2019 – Complete |
AA | Defibrillator Training | Defibrillator Training Training in the village hall | Completed |
Here are some photos of our work so far…
Please get in touch if you can help us with our Community Plan.