The below are the areas and progress we’ve made since forming our appearances and amenities group. Click here to view our completed actions.
- Telephone box in village
Action(s) required: Needs refurbished/painted/reused
Lead Person(s): Tony McCully
Priority: Medium
Resources Required:
TM – 28/11/2019 – Contracts exchanged between Parish Council and BT. Awaiting phone to be removed and completion of notice then the phone box becomes property of parish council.
TM – 07/11/2019 – Still waiting word, should be couple of weeks.
TM 03/10/2019 – 4-6 weeks until we get word if we can adopt. stats show 0 calls.
TM – 28/08/2019 – Still ongoing as the consultation period from BT should take until end October or middle November. All going well we can take possession of phone box and refurnish it etc.
TM 09/08/2019 – BT have been contacted and they have a adopt a phone scheme for councils etc if the phone box is not in use. I have asked if we can adopt the phone box and it requires a 90 day consultation period, providing no objections we should be able to purchase the phone box for £1 in October (fingers crossed) Please give some thought as to what we would like to do with the phone box all going well, library with an honesty box, art gallery,information booth, history of the community, combination of some or all the mentioned.Any ideas/suggestions feel free to air. - Appearance of area of ground between church and river.
Action(s) required: Clear out the overgrown bushes and decide what to do with the space e.g. put a community flower bed e.g. a well.
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson
Priority: Medium
Resources Required:
SR – 28/11/2019 – Copeland council have cleared and cutback this area along with refurbishment of the flowerbeds opposite the Stanley Arms and the cutting of a large shrub which has improved road safety in crossing the road.
SR – 07/11/2019 – Mostly cleaned out still some work left and waiting shrubs to be planted.
SR – 03/10/2019 Will chase PC
(SR) The land is owned by the Parish Council. A quote has been approved to carry out the maintenance, this will not be carried out until after bird nesting season. - Church railings need replacing/painted. Flag pole and notice board, pressure washing sandstone.
Action(s) required: Paint and Repair
Lead Person(s): Ray Hodge
Priority: High Medium Low: Medium
Resources Required: Paint, metal
– 07/11/2019 – Work in progress when weather allows.
RH – 03/10/2019 – Ray, Tony, Don all been busy painting etc… work to continue as weather permits.
TM 29/08/2019 – Ray has done a sterling job in this area.The gates have been refurnished.Railings require painting etc.Ray has sourced paint for the job and will source wire brushes,scrapers etc.What is now required is a day or 2 where the work can be actually carried out. Weather permitting and peoples availability is the challenge. Proposed that long range weather forecast is checked and then proposed dates are circulated for peoples availability for work to be carried out.
RH 09/08/2019 – Work has started this is likely to take some time. Once some repairs have been made we’ll organize a painting party. - Litter patrol/more rubbish bins/signage about disposal of litter.
Action(s) required:
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson, Bob Jones, Don Mackay, Most of the community group are contributing to this where we can.
Priority: High
Resources Required:
07/11/2019 – Seem to be seeing more litter around will increase patrols and do a fb post.
DM 03/10/2019 – Ongoing patrols, still lots of litter getting dropped.
TM 29/08/2019 – An ongoing task but has been a success.Agreement that there is currently no requirement for formal arranged litter patrols as people are carrying this role on an ad hoc basis and it is working.
(SR) I’ve emailed SL and the council regarding making use of the LED Advertisement screen in the blackbeck which is currently doing nothing. – 08/09/2019 Signs have now been removed, Continuing the Facebook campaign to raise awareness.
(BJ) Speaking to the council regarding equipment and where to leave the litter once collected. – 08-09-2019 Parish Council has now purchased five litter pickers.
(DM) 09/08/2019 – Walking miles and miles collecting litter Well done Don - Village Hall outside area requires improvement.
Action(s) required:
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson, Nina Glaister, Kayleigh Robertson
Priority: High Medium Low:
Resources Required: New Equipment/Grants
23/12/2019 – Fund raising has started and we’ve been awarded a grant to get started on our Wildlife an heritage Garden, a detailed plan will be posted early next year.
07/11/2019 – living willow tepee
M – Will Look into funding slide and adults Gym.
KR 20/09/2019 – Lake District Foundation grant applied for, if successful up to £2500 toward creating our wildlife and heritage garden.
KR 30/08/2019 – A application was submitted to Sellafield to help fund the improvements, this wasn’t successful however they have suggested another project we should put forward for which has more funding available. More information coming soon.
(SR) – Some current warn items have been replaced and some more items have been requested. A catalogue of play items will be requested for quotes etc Various ideas discussed after a facebook poll.
(NG, SR 09/08/2019) Looking into creating a bug hotels, wild flower area, benches. - New dog waste bin next to play area.
Action(s) required:New Bin and signs
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson
Priority: High Medium Low:
Resources Required: New bin, Signs
TM – 07/11/2019 – Waiting on council.
TM 03/10/2019 – Tony arranging a new bin.
TM – 26/09/2019 – an update on progress with regards to another dog waste bin for the playing field area by the village hall. Copeland council supply the bins and empty them, appears there is no charge for this, however, I have to submit an application if we want another one ( the form is straightforward) They require to know exact location we would like it and then they assess if they are willing to supply another one or relocate a current one. They may require payment for emptying a new one etc and a form of contract to this, but I stress this is a maybe. So for me to complete the form could someone give me the exact location we would like it and maybe even a picture of location? Will discuss in more detail at meeting on 3rd October 1900 hrs village hall.
TM 29/08/2019 – After discussion it was decided that a new dog waste bin is required near the play area as people are still putting dog waste in the normal bins. Local council will be contacted and asked if a new bin where required is possible.
SR – There is a dog waste bin on the village hall car park so that could be relocated to the play area (On investigation this appears to be well used, need to discuss a new bin in the next meeting).Was also mentioned that people are putting dog waste in the black bins next to the village hall. (Scott offered to make signs stating these bins are not for dog waste) - Poop Patrol
Action(s) Improve on Poop situation.
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson, Dave Stubbins
Priority: Medium
Resources Required: Poop Patrol
SR – 07/11/2019 – Will monitor but currently ok.
SR 03/10/2019 – Improving but still a problem. More FB and posters required.
SR 02/09/2019 – Poop Patrol setup, Facebook poster made will discuss if it has made any improvements at the next meeting. Signage from council has been sprayed down long walks however the texture of the ground made it difficult to read.
SR 29/08/2019 – Due to a number of issues we’ve decided to hold off the stick and flick idea for now. Instead we will concentrate on those not picking up dog poop. A Poop patrol is being setup and we’ve information and a stencil from the council to help enforce fines if applicable, if not a name and shame approach will be taken. - Village Hall Field Sandstone Wall
Action(s) required: Stock proof fence to keep the stock in the field while we repair the wall. Community wall dismantle/grant/dry stone wall courses?
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson
Priority: Medium
Resources Required: Grant
SR – Checking with VH
SR – 26/09/2019 – We’ve a quote fora new stock proof fence. The Village hall committee are asking permission to erect a new stock proof fence.
SR 29/08/2019 – Initial talks sound positive for being able to get a grant or help to build. further investigation is underway.
SR – Had quotes to repair sections of the wall, we cannot afford this work and realistically the whole wall needs rebuilt. it is in a poor state and it constantly in repair. Investigating Grants - Community Day(s)
Action(s) required: Arrange community days to get all age groups of the community together.
Lead Person(s): Kayleigh Robertson, Nina Glaister, Scott Robertson
Priority: Medium
Resources Required: Ducks
SR – 23/11/2019 – Due to other commitments we were unable to organize a Christmas party, We will plan a new year’s party early 2020.
SR – 07/11/2019 – Halloween Party was a great success £355 was raised for our community plan. We are now arranging Christmas party.
SR 26/09/2019 – Two dates booked at the village hall for the below:
Friday 1st November – Halloween party – KR is organizing
Sunday 1st December – Community Christmas Party – Needs discussed at our next meeting.
SR 29/08/2019 – Looking at dates around November for a winter community day.
(SR) No available date for a summer community day, we will look at arranging something later in the year. Arthur Daly has offered to do a duck race 14th September. - Bench down long walks
Action(s) required: permission, location, bench
Lead Person(s): Neil Glaister
Priority: Medium
Resources Required: Bench
TM – 07/11/2019 – Work in progress, insurance.
NG 20/09/2019 – We’ve a bench donated by Frank, Permission has been granted and we’ve a location. we need to arrange collecting the bench and replacing the wood. Jackson are donating the Wood. - Village hall WiFi
Action(s) required: Get WiFi into the village hall.
Lead Person(s): Scott Robertson
Priority: High
Resources Required: Telephone Line, WiFi
Connecting the phone line and monthly line cost have been collected. This will be discussed at the October Village hall AGM as we need the WiFi to pay for itself. - Parking Issues – NEW
Action(s) required: Tackle Parking problems for day workers leaving cars in the village.
Lead Person(s):
Priority: High
Resources Required:
Progress: - Bus shelter improvement – NEW
Action(s) required: Painting and photos.
Lead Person(s):
Priority: Low
Resources Required:
Progress: - Church Ideas – NEW
Action(s) required: Tackle Parking problems for day workers leaving cars in the village.
Lead Person(s):
Priority: High
Resources Required:
Next meeting with regards to village appearance and facilities will be in the village hall TBC.
Thank you to all who volunteered to look at some of these tasks,some will be quick fix I believe and some may take slightly longer due to resourcing etc.If you have forgotten which task(s) you picked to help on just ask!
For area number 2, I’ve confirmed this land is owned by the Parish Council. I will discuss a way forward tomorrow at the parish council meeting.
Area 2 is one that we volunteered to see if we can improve its appearance Scott.
I also spoke to a member of Parish Council who told me that the pruning of the shrubs and trees is all in hand. We need to decide/discuss what else can be done by way of planters or flower beds etc.
I spoke to Annette Crayston who is a Church Warden, re the railings, she is going to find out if the community can repair and paint them.
Area 2 is the one I’ve volunteered for. I personally haven’t made any progress as yet but ready and willing to help wherever I can.
Telephone has now been removed from village phone box, now awaiting power supply to be switched off and a completion of no from BT.