You may have noticed that things seem to be quieter during the current virus pandemic. But behind the scenes things are still being achieved.
Following on from our February update the promised new signage is on its way. We have had the following communication from Cumbria Highways:-
‘We hope you are keeping safe. As a team, we are largely working from home at present.
The various signs were delivered to the depot just before lockdown commenced, however all operations were then of course ceased. The road-teams have however recently began to mobilise again and can undertake basic works packages. We have therefore instructed the signs to be erected, as and when the operations staff can programme the works.
W can’t give a definitive timescale at this time, but can at least give some assurance that things are beginning to move once again.”
Your committee hope this news is welcome and we all look forward to seeing the signs erected. Please send us photos if you manage to catch the signs actually being installed.
We look forward to the end of lockdown when we can crack on with more exciting plans. Please stay safe, stay healthy and keep supporting your friends and neighbours. It is all very much appreciated.